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The 2015 Shanghai International Spring baby Expo

展会标题图片:The 2015 Shanghai International Spring baby Expo


Venues:The Shanghai World Expo exhibition hall


Supporting media:E展网(www.eshow365.com

Exhibition overview

                                In order to promote the further development of China's infant and early childhood education industry and international trade, "the 2015 Shanghai International Spring baby Expo" will be held May 29, 2015 -31 at the Shanghai World Expo exhibition hall opened, is expected to attract about 400 exhibitors from home and abroad, is expected to invite 120000 visitors. The exhibition aims to show the new products for the China baby products and early education, explore new ideas; at the same time for exhibitors to provide show the brand strength, reflecting sales opportunities, thus achieved good bureau win-win between manufacturers, service providers and users.

Exhibition scope

                                Baby food
Infant formula milk powder, food, nutrition and health care products etc.
Baby stroller, crib and safety seat
Baby stroller, baby walker, scooters, bicycles, tricycles, cradle, car safety seats and accessories, crib, baby chair, chair, chair, baby safety fence, children room supplies, bedding etc.
Baby products
The bottle, nipple, breast pump, tableware, cookware, toothbrush, gutta percha, shampoo and body care products, cleaning supplies, safety etc.
Children's clothing, children's shoes
Children's clothes, baby equipment, sleeping bags, underwear, shoes and hats, pregnancy wear and accessories etc.
Early childhood education supporting equipment
Security management software, a new white (black) in early childhood education, kindergarten outdoor recreation equipment, furniture, floor mats, environmental protection, artificial turf, kindergarten school bus.
Preschool education products
Children's publications, bags, stationery, musical instruments, painting supplies, clay animation, audio and video products, plant specimen, manual course, game curriculum, science experiment course, left and right brain development of teaching materials, teaching machine, point reading pen, special education, early education software products such as
The Enlightenment of toys, building blocks toys, toy story, toy, Model Toy Puzzle toys, educational toys, desktop, electronic toys, plush toys and so on.
Service class
Early childhood institutions, early childhood education center, children's training institutions, parent-child center, confinement center, children's photography organization
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